Need a Event First Aid Provider, Stand-by Emergency Response Services, First Aid Training, AEDs, First Aid Kits or supplies? We’re here to help!
Emergency Medical Response provides Event First Aid, Stand-by Emergency Medical Response Services and First Aid Training. We are equipped to respond to cardiac and respiratory emergencies.
Revolutionary AED technology in the palm of your hand
In a life threatening or time critical Medical Emergency please call: 000 or 112 from your mobile for an Ambulance.
Nearly thirty thousand Australians will die of cardiac arrest each year
The chain of survival:-
- Early intervention and recognition
• Recognise that the person has collapsed unconscious & is not breathing (the definition of Sudden Cardiac Arrest) - Early access and calls for help
• Activate emergency services – Call 000 or 112 from your mobile.
• Yell loudly for help around you, i.e. to locate the nearest automated external defibrillator (AED), and help doing CPR - Early CPR
• Start chest compressions — hands-only CPR — don’t have to do mouth-to mouth any more. 1/3 of the body’s depth (50 mm max)
• Push hard and fast in the centre of the chest (between the two nipples)
• 100-120 compressions per minute (to beat of Stayin’ Alive by Bee Gees), uninterrupted, or 30 compressions followed by 2 breathes until the defibrillator pads (AED) are attached and ready to use
• Good CPR pushes the blood around the body and to the brain and prevents it dying
• Swap operators or responders every 2 minutes or every 5 sets of 30 compressions.
- Rapid defibrillation
• The AED is a small device (weighs not much more than a 2 litre bottle of milk), is fully portable & is easy to operate (provides simple verbal step-by-step instructions to follow).
• It won’t shock someone unless they are in cardiac arrest (unconscious pulseless VT or VF)
• Attach AED pads to chest & the machine will tell you exactly what to do
• Push the big button to shock heart to restart it, then continue CPR immediately - Effective advanced care life support (the part done by Ambulance Victoria MICA and ALS paramedics)
- Integrated post-cardiac arrest care (the part done by Maryborough, Bendigo, Ballarat and Melbourne hospitals)
Vital Signs
Vital Signs are used to measure the body’s basic functions. The normal ranges for a person’s vital signs vary with age, weight, gender and overall health. There are four primary vital signs: pulse (heart rate); breathing rate (respiratory rate); blood pressure and body temperature.
Normal human body temperature is: 36.2 – 37.6 °C, with 37°C being stated as the average normal temperature.
Blood Pressure Chart By Age
Blood pressure changes from minute to minute and is influenced by posture, exercise, stress or sleep, which is why the conclusion about having high blood pressure should not be based on one reading.
The proper diagnosis of high blood pressure is done over time and on the basis of several readings. Therefore, slightly higher blood pressure during one reading does not mean that you suffer from high blood pressure.
However, if your blood pressure is higher than normal during multiple readings, you should do something about your lifestyle choices. Afterwards, your doctor will prescribe suitable medications.
In case your blood pressure remains higher than 180/110 during a repeated reading after several minutes, you should visit your doctor as soon as possible.

Event First Aid Provider
As both a Melbourne and a rural organisation ourselves, we are more than happy to provide First Aid Coverage and Stand-by Emergency Medical Response Services coverage anywhere across Victoria. To book our services, call us any time on 0438 718 369, or email your Event First Aid requirements to:
From Market Days, Music Festivals, Car Rallies, Sprints, Cycling, Dirt Drags or Motocross events, Emergency Medical Response is ready to respond to any type of incident and provide the Emergency Medical Care needed until our handover to Ambulance Victoria for transport to Hospital.
Emergency Medical Response have provided 24 hour overnight Event First Aid, Fire and Stand-by Emergency Medical Response Services over three days on site for Chopped for their last 6 events.
Our Event First Aid Services now also cover, Stawell Burnout Comps, The Ballarat Swap Meet, The Wimmera Machinery Field Days, The Royal Geelong Show, an iconic four day event as well as the Stawell Gift, Australia’s richest footrace held over the Easter long weekend.
Other annual events attended by Emergency Medical Response include the Ballan Autumn Festival, Rokewood Rodeo & Country Festival, Victorian Goldfields Medieval Faire, Eddington Sprints, Bridgewater Triathlon and the Inglewood Alive festival.